Knowledge Base: Your Construction Questions Answered
Resources to help you plan your next industrial, commercial or institutional construction project
Carl A. Nelson & Company has more than 100 years of history in the construction business, working as general contractor, design-builder and construction manager. Here in the Knowledge Base, our goal is to use our experience to address the questions you may have as a customer or potential customer about construction-related matters.
Construction Project Delivery

One of the first questions for the owner of a facility to answer is whether to seek bids from a general contractor, or to take advantage of valuable pre-construction services available from a design-builder or construction manager. Visit this section to learn the differences in these types of construction project delivery, and decide which method is right for your company or organization.
Go to the delivery methods overview ...
Or go directly to the delivery method you wish to learn more about:
• Design-Build
• Construction Management (Agency & At-Risk)
• General Contracting
Code Issues

Unlike many comparable construction firms, Carl A. Nelson & Company is unique in the fact that our projects are led by professional and licensed engineers, degreed construction managers and licensed architects. That in-house expertise lends itself to being able to offer clients the added value of design services including code review. Our client newsletter, wibi, includes a regular feature we call "Decoding the Code." In each issue, we address topics ranging from life-safety code rules to compliance with ADA regulations.
Code articles are collected in this section of the Knowledge Base.
Building Value: K-12 Projects

Our goal on every project is to earn an opportunity to build the next one for our clients. And one of the most important means we have for achieving that is by delivering best-value outcomes. That is why we invest so much time during pre-construction in looking for solutions to design or operational challenges to ensure scope and quality goals are met, and needed functionality is provided.
While these principles apply to all of our work, in the Building Value section of the Knowledge Base, we are collecting some of those ideas as they relate to K-12 construction to help educational clients find answers to questions, and also demonstrate the value of our services.
Project Planning 101

No matter the type of work you do, when it comes time to build, the construction experts at Carl A. Nelson & Company are here to help. That includes demonstrating our core principles of Fairness and Honesty, Quality Workmanship and Service Second to None by helping you determine how to best approach and execute your project. Our team is available to help from the earliest stages of planning through project completion and closeout. With Project Planning 101, we offer a guide to the issues your organization's leaders should consider at each phase of project planning, development and construction.

Contact us today!
Carl A. Nelson & Company helps clients answer all their construction-related questions with Fairness and Honesty, Quality Workmanship and Service Second to None. To get started, call us now at 319-754-8415, or fill out the contact form.