CANCO Employees Make a Difference for Muscatine Humane Society

CANCO Employees Make a Difference for Muscatine Humane Society

7 years, 8 months ago

Employees Donate Much Needed Supplies & Money

During the month of April, employees of Carl A. Nelson & Company donated money and supplies to benefit the Muscatine Humane Society.  Employees were given a list of needed supplies and asked to either donate money or supplies to assist with operations at this local, open admission shelter.  Carl A. Nelson & Company agreed to boost the efforts of their employees with a dollar-for-dollar and an item-for-item match.

Monetary contributions were $403.00.  With the estimated cost of supplies, total contributions by Carl A. Nelson & Company were over $800.00.

For more information about our charitable efforts, visit us on Facebook.  To make a difference and donate to the Muscatine Humane Society, call 1.563.263. 7358 or visit their website at

Photo: Christine Robertson presents donations to Chris McGinnis, Director of Muscatine Humane Society