CANCO superintendent an MBI Safety Champion

CANCO superintendent an MBI Safety Champion Carl A. Nelson & Company Project Superintendent Bob Stutes displays the class photo and certificate presented to him Aug. 12, 2022, in recognition of completing the Master Builders of Iowa 2022 Building a Safety Champion program. CANCO photo

2 years, 6 months ago

In the midst of his 33rd year in the construction industry, 21st with Carl A. Nelson & Company and fifth as a project superintendent, Superintendent Bob Stutes demonstrated the importance of continuous learning by completing the Master Builders of Iowa Building a Safety Champion program.

He was one of 21 field and construction safety leaders to complete the course in 2022. Joe Melton, MBI director of safety services, presented Stutes with his certificate of completion Aug. 12 at CANCO's Burlington office. The program, which included multiple, team-oriented training sessions and required coursework between classes, concluded in June. One program requirement was to articulate a vision for safety, in which Melton praised Stutes for citing a goal of encouraging buy-in with safety training and guidelines so members of his crew will make good safety decisions even when he is away from the jobsite.

Melton said the aim of the course is to show safety leadership is more than only enforcing a set of rules or marking boxes on a safety checklist. It's also, he said, about demonstrating influential leadership traits on the jobsite, such as behavior prompts and behavior scripting.

"This class has given me a deeper view on safety, and new ways of looking at my employees on the jobsite," Stutes wrote in an evaluation of the program. "A better way on getting the safety message to them. Not being negative — being more positive, show you are thankful for their efforts."

Carl A. Nelson & Company puts safety first, and twice in recent years has exceeded 1,000,000 man hours without a lost time injury. Learn more about our safety focus, and how that benefits our clients.